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Our Honey

  • Not pasteurised - Pasteurisation is not necessary for honey, as it possesses natural properties which make it less likely to deteriorate, even after long periods of storage. In addition, pasteurisation degrades or destroys many of the natural enzymes, minerals, and vitamins that make raw honey healthy and delicious.
  • Not unnecessarily filtered - Ultra filtration can remove pollen and other healthy compounds from honey, and it’s not necessary for an authentic, quality product.
  • Not a honey blend - Some honeys are blended together from different sources, fields, and hives. While this creates a consistent and uniform product, it also makes it bland and boring – any local flavours from different plants are lost completely. 
  • Not full of unnatural antibiotics - Some bees are fed antibiotics to ensure a healthy hive and honey. While these antibiotics do serve to help make the bees more immune to disease and parasites, they can leech into the finished honey product, which is undesirable and often harmful to your health. Our beekeeper's refuses to pump their hives full of antibiotics, which leads to a higher-quality, natural product.

Honey delivered to you directly from remote and pristine areas - Experience the delicious taste and health benefits of raw honey now! Forget supermarket honey that’s overly processed and loses health benefits – raw honey is delicious, nutritious, healthy, and unique.

Natural honey is honey that is from wild places, that is far away from pesticides and herbicides that are too often used on the crops that bees feed from, and far away from other sources of pollution such as industrial zones and heavily-trafficked motorways.

There are many different methods of harvesting natural honey, and old-style beekeepers take pride in using techniques that are not used by traditional honey “factory farms”, where honey can become contaminated by antibiotics and chemicals.

This honey is also minimally processed, with only a coarse filtering to remove large debris. It’s also not pasteurised, so what you’re eating is as close to what bees eat as possible, and full of nutrients and minerals that can be damaged during industrial harvest and treatment.

